Thursday, February 13, 2020

Sustainable Food Business Sector Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Sustainable Food Business Sector - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the sustainable foods are produced in the best possible ways and are traded within the ethical norms without causing any harmful impact on the society or the environment The food products that are termed as sustainable are produced and traded in such a fashion that it contributes towards the sustainable livelihoods as well as the local economies, enhances protection towards animals and plants and also takes into consideration the welfare of wild as well as farmed species, it also takes into account all possible measures so as not to cause any damage to the natural resources and contribute positively towards the climate, and provide various kinds of social benefits such as good food quality, educational opportunities and healthy and safe products. With the rise of a globalized economy, there has also been an increase in demand toward the food sector. The companies in the sustainable food sector need to meet the demand that is created in the consumer market being aligned with the environmental policies and norms and also with the sustainability agenda. There are many companies in this sector but one of the most renowned companies who has set its mark on the sustainable food sector is Kraft Food Group. Kraft Food is a grocery manufacturing company in America. The group is also into processing conglomerate. The company has its headquarters in Chicago. The company was incorporated in the year 2012 after there was a demerger that took place and the name of the original company was changed to Mondelez International. This company is now used for distributing the confectionary and snacks brand of Kraft Food. On the contrary, the Krafts food group is totally focused on the North American market and deals with grocery products. The company in the present scenario is known for its sustainability measures that it incorporates in all its products so as to offer the healthiest products to its consumers and also safeguards the environment by utilizi ng all forms of renewable energy resources.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

History of the nazi holocaust - take home midterm Essay

History of the nazi holocaust - take home midterm - Essay Example 2. The  Sturmabteilung  (SA) served as the original paramilitary wing for the Nazi party in Germany. This paramilitary wing played a key role in the rise of Hilter and Nazi party into leadership. The main work of the SA was to protect from attack the rallies that were organized by Nazi party. The SA was also tasked with disrupting meetings and rallies that were organized by other political parties that were opposed to Nazi as well as fighting the paramilitary units of the opposing parties. All this actions were key in Nazis ascension to power. 3. Mein Kampf was a book that is believed to have been written by one of Hitler’s scribes through dictation by Hitler. The book forms the manifesto of Hitler. It provides insight of how he plans to rule Germany and how Germans are a superior race compared to others. The proclamation of German as a superior race and his ambition as shown in the book to unite all German speaking states to one great German made the book to be popular among Germans as that made them love and elect Hitler to power. The book ha however, been rebuked in other parts of the word for its racism. 4. The Reichstag fire occurred on February 27th  1933. The Reichstag building was where parliament of Germany was and was therefore was destroyed by fire. The event together with the events following it gave the Nazi government control since most of the other opposing parties which were the communists and social democratic party were executed following the fire. The execution was done since it was suspected that they had started the fire. This provided a real majority for the Nazi party since they now comfortably took control of the government unlike initially where they were not sure of control if the two parties combined. 5. The Anti-Jewish Boycott took place in April 1, 1933, Hitler’s government called on Germans to stop buying from Jewish shops or even visiting professional officers